Johnie's Jr. Burgers isn't really a Googie style building at all. The sign isn't even Googie. It's a plain square sign right off of Tustin Ave. in Orange. But the sign looks similar to something else. Something familiar in the world of Googie.
Ah! Yes! Johnie's Broiler, in Downey! The association between the two restaurants is not clear, other than the little fat boy on the sign, and the sharing of the name. Is anyone familiar with a history between the two establishments? Is Johnie's Jr. an offshoot of the original Downey location to serve Orange County's need for a Johnie's Burger?
Johnnie's Jr. Burgers
1061 N. Tustin St.
Orange, CA 92867
This one creeps me out because it's across the street from my house.
I like the site.
It's probably because Johnie's Jr is the son in law of Johnie's
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