Ah! Ah! What is there to say?! It's beautiful. The sign. That starburst! The neon! Oh, those A-frames! Those pylons with the big holes punched out! That coffee shop, almost perfectly preserved! Why, I'm in Googie heaven!
I think the reason I'm so obsessed with Googie is cause I grew up right off the street from all this stuff. Born and raised in La Habra, nestled in a crummy apartment off Idaho, between Lambert & Whittier Blvd, I have the unique perspective of being raised in the Space Age-- in the '80's! I'm going to be spending the next couple weeks covering Whittier Blvd, from it's residential beginnings in Brea to it's big time boulevard status in Norwalk. I know, I'm gonna dabble in LA County, but there's too much good stuff just to not post it 'cause it's in Los Angeles!
Stay tuned, kids. Some of the best examples of Orange County Googie are off of Whittier Blvd. in La Habra, and I don't intend to let you miss a bit of it!
La Habra 300 Bowl
370 E Whittier Blvd
La Habra, CA 90631
Ahh La Habra, where I also grew up...near Lambert and Euclid. The La Habra Bowl is I think where my high school held their bowling class too! The memories...so sweet it tastes of sugar.
The 300 Bowl just repainted and repaired their sign last month. The neon is almost all working now. Stylish! (And get back to blogging!)
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